Sunday, May 24, 2020

Summary Ofsorrow Acre By Isak Dinesen - 1345 Words

Argumentative Essay: Sorrow Acre In the short story, â€Å"Sorrow Acre†, by Isak Dinesen, there are three themes found throughout the story that teaches us about suffering, gender and moral character. The character, Anne Marie displays that overcoming suffering can lead to accomplishing happiness. The Old Lord’s young wife, Sophie Magdalena, feels as if she is no one can give her the affection and attention she desires and that her only purpose of her marriage is to bear the Old Lord a son. This a common misperception that many women have to tolerate. One of the main characters, Adam, exhibits a virtuous, moral character by challenging what is morally right in this story and he counters the old views of his uncle. I will support my themes in this essay, and give examples to further my claims. According to the Buddha, every aspect of life leads to suffering, such as: birth, death, sorrow and pain. In life, we cannot get rid of suffering and it’s almost essential to our everyday lives’. I a gree with Buddha because as human beings, we have to undergo suffering, either willingly or unwillingly, it’s just a part of life. There are Four Noble Truths associated with suffering. The First Noble Truth, is to have acknowledge that there is suffering and that every human being is composed of the five aggregates of grasping suffering. Which includes the following: the aggregates of grasping form, feeling, perception, the mental formations, and consciousness. Since these aggregates cannot be

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Essay On Type 2 Diabetes - 721 Words

Type 2 diabetes is an enormous and rising chronic disease seen in the United States (U.S.) and throughout many parts of the world. â€Å"Nearly 26 million Americans have the disease† (Fonseca, Kirkman, Darsow Ratner, 2012, p. 1380). This includes over 10% of the total adult population and greater than 25% of the population 65 years and older (Fonseca, Kirkman, Darsow Ratner, 2012). High prevalence rates of prediabetes have been recorded as well. According to Fonseca, Kirkman, Darsow Ratner (2012), there is an additional 79 million adult Americans who have prediabetes. There are several reasons type 2 diabetes has a higher prevalence rate at this time and these risks include; age, ethnicity, obesity, family history, smoking and a sedentary†¦show more content†¦The high prevalence rate of diabetes comes at a substantial economic cost. Fonseca, Kirkman, Darsow Ratner (2012), report diabetes and prediabetes accounted for roughly $218 billion in direct medical costs an d lost productivity in the U.S. in 2007. This chronic illness requires several diverse medical professionals to safely and efficiently provide health care to these complex patients. â€Å"The American Diabetes Association (ADA) standard of medical care recommends that diabetes treatment be delivered via health care team minimally consisting of a physician, nurse, dietitian, and mental health professional† (Earles, 2001, p. 848). Nurse educators are able to assess patients diabetes management skills and knowledge about the disease. Nurse educators also teach patients on the importance of glucose monitoring and insulin injection technique. The role of a dietician according to Earles (2001) is to develop individual meal plans for each patient and to present meal planning classes that covers general dietary guidelines. Lastly, pharmacists plays a big role as part of the interdisciplinary team as well. Many patients with diabetes have complex medication regimens (Earles, 2001). Th e team role of a pharmacist is to review and suggest alternative medications that may be more suited for the patient on an individual need. Pharmacists also assist theShow MoreRelatedEssay On Type 2 Diabetes898 Words   |  4 PagesCardiovascular and Renal Events in Type 2 Diabetes; Bruce Neal, M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D., Vlado Perkovic, M.B., B.S., Ph.D., Kenneth W. Mahaffey, M.D., Dick de Zeeuw, M.D., Ph.D., Greg Fulcher, M.D., Ngozi Erondu, M.D., Ph.D., Wayne Shaw, D.S.L., Gordon Law, Ph.D., Mehul Desai, M.D., and David R. Matthews, D.Phil., B.M., B.Ch; New England Journal of Medicine Introduction †¢ An estimated 23.1 million people—or 7.2% of the U.S. population—had diagnosed diabetes †¢ Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased riskRead MoreEssay On Type 2 Diabetes1689 Words   |  7 PagesReducing Type II Diabetes within our African American Community According to Healthy People 2020 (2014), diabetes affects over 29 million people in the United States, with another estimated 28 percent of the population having undiagnosed cases. Of those at risk, African Americans are almost 2 times more likely to be diagnosed as opposed to their Caucasian counterparts. Many preventable associated factors include limited knowledge regarding disease processes, healthy diet, and limited knowledge ofRead MoreEssay on Type 2 Diabetes1492 Words   |  6 PagesType II Diabetes Mellitus: An Emerging Epidemic nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by inadequate insulin secretion by the pancreas or cellular destruction leading to an insulin deficiency. Depending on the cause of the insulin shortage, diabetes can be subcategorized into type I and type II. Type I diabetes (T1DM) is usually mediated by the destruction of b-cells in the pancreas resulting in decreased insulin production and secretionRead MoreType 2 Diabetes Essay957 Words   |  4 PagesType 2 Diabetes in African American Community Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is the most common form of diabetes in the U.S., and it is a severe disease with numerous life-threatening consequences. T2DM occurs when insulin, which is a hormone released by the pancreas for sugar metabolism, becomes low or cannot be utilized by cells. In the normal condition, insulin circulates in the bloodstream and enables to convert starch, sugar, and all polysaccharides complex into glucose, which cells use forRead MoreEssay on Diabetes Type 2518 Words   |  3 PagesDiabetes Type 2 1.Diabetes is considered a life style disease because it is not something you were born with it is something you bring upon yourself, stress, dont enough exercise, eating too much of the wrong foods, pregnancy or family history cause this particular disease. 2. Type 2 diabetes, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes. It effects the respiratory system In Type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulinRead MoreEssay On Type 2 Diabetes755 Words   |  4 Pagesearly detection of type 2 diabetes by screening are lacking and are now unlikely to be obtained.† Khunti K, Davies M (2012) Type 2 diabetes is common and more so now, evidence backing the efficiency and usefulness of screening is limited (Khunti K, Davies M 2012). There are no trials done of screened patients and non screened patients and thus no evidence to go with this perfect way of comparing the cost-effectiveness of this method (Khunti K, Davies M, 2012). Type 2 diabetes meets the criteriaRead MoreEssay On Type 2 Diabetes1757 Words   |  8 Pagesbarriers to adhering to self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes? Two research papers were selected to address this question, namely Moser et al (2008) and Rise et al (2013). Moser et al (2008) and Rise et al (2013) both clearly stated the purpose of their research studies. The purpose of the former study was to report an empirically grounded conceptualization of self-management in the context of autonomy of people with type 2 diabetes (Moser et al.,2008). The aim of the latter study was toRead MoreInside Type 2 Diabetes Essay1735 Words   |  7 PagesType 2 diabetes is a very serious disease with many life threatening consequences, but if it is manage properly through preventative measures, diabetics can live a normal life. According to (Diabetes UK 2008) Type 2 diabetes can remain undetected for ten years or more and 50 per cent of people show signs of complications when diagnosed. It is therefore the responsibility of the individuals and the government to prevent the disease from developing. A lot of people do not realise that their weightRead MoreThe Reality of Type 2 Diabetes Essay1381 Words   |  6 Pagesdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes as it seems to come out of nowhere. Common first reactions include confusion, denial, anger, anxiety and a sense of defeat. The mind starts to explain this information with thoughts such as the doctor is mistaken, the test is faulty, or I feel healthy. This quickly morphs into feeling betrayed by one’s body and questions of why this is happening. Most people have a general idea of what diabetes is but misconceptions about the causes, treatment and types of diabetes lead toRead MoreType 2 Diabetes Mellitus Essay1748 Words   |  7 PagesType 2 Diabetes Mellit us (T2DM) is a chronic disease that is modifiable and preventable through diet and exercise. The incidence of T2DM is propagated by a sedentary lifestyle and excessive caloric intake. Maintenance of a desirable body weight, diet, and exercise are the mainstay therapy for T2DM (Buttaro, Trybulski, Bailey, Sanberg-Cook, 2013). I have chosen Shannon, a 30 year old single African American female who is newly diagnosed with T2DM for my health promotion paper. Shannon is obese

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rural vs. Country Living Free Essays

Sean Stafford 11/11/12 Living Urban Vs. Rural The on-going debate of living in the city vs. country is very controversial in many people’s eyes but, the city has much more to offer economically, socially and in many other ways more convenient. We will write a custom essay sample on Rural vs. Country Living or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being able to meet your needs conveniently and to travel in a car less is what makes the city a lot easier to live in. Therefore, Living in the city is much more beneficial than living in the rural areas. Being able to walk around different places that offer different things to meet your needs specifically is something we could dream of, well in the setting of a city you are able to virtually walk anywhere and either takes a metro or taxi and you will arrive at your destination quicker than ever. Living in the city brings a sort of social structure in a way because when you live in the Country your nearest neighbor may be a mile away. There may be times when you won’t see another human being for days unless you go somewhere off of your property. And f you so much as run out of milk it means a trip in the car. Mechanics and most services are not close It is not easy if your car breaks down and your nearest mechanic is 30 miles away. Secondly, there are many kind of public transport such as train, tram, bus, taxi in the city and there are many streets. On the other hands, in the country they do not have many streets so therefore making the city transport system more complex but in a better way. Again the convenience in the city is better than the convenience in the country. It is easy to make more friends because people living in a city are more friendly and happier with their friends. On the other hand, in the country people are less open minded to make friends with someone they have never met. Another factor that has to do with the well being of a person is getting sick, and health in the city is better than in the country, In city there are many hospitals. Lastly, How to cite Rural vs. Country Living, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Cinema Ticket Business Process

Question: Discuss about the Cinema Ticket Business Process. Answer: Introduction Cinema ticket is a voucher that indicates that an individual has the right or permission to watch a particular film or a movie for a given duration of time at a specific place. As a business process, cinema ticket is considered at the point of marketing or sales. One can buy a ticket from the box office or at the counter of an entertainment industry or an organization, which avails the tickets in the form of ticket checks or as separate. Tickets are also available from resellers, which are commercial enterprises that order tickets in the form of wholesale and reselling them to the consumers. Many customers trust dealers because of convenience and availability. The convenient factor relates to the local ticket acquisition while the availability factor is that all the tickets have been sold hence need to purchase the tickets from the resellers or not to see the particular performance of the show. Online booking of cinema tickets has been the current process of buying the tickets. Indus tries that have not developed the online system of ticket booking are therefore encouraged to adopt the system since it is effective and efficient regarding production, marketing, and customer satisfaction. Physical flow of cinema ticket Physical flow involves the circular movement model of the ticket card from the business sector to the point of use and the transfer of resources from the household sector to the business sector (Fang andYang, 2016). The physical flow is demonstrated as a counter-clockwise flow whereby the product market at the top, resource at the bottom, household sector at the left and organization at the right as the payment moves in the opposite direction (Braet and Spek, 2013). The household sector is the people seeking the consumption of the cinema ticket and at far right is the organization, which is responsible for the production of the ticket card (Hoof, 2016). At the top side are the product markets, which is responsible for the exchange of product or gross domestic product. The resource market exchanges the services of the resources (Braet and Spek, 2013). Payment flows from the household because they possess resources. Provision of services and resources to the organization via supply market, the company then utilize the resources in the production of tickets that are then provided to the customers (Hoof, 2016). The circular flow of payment play a significant role in the organization, it measures national income, gives out knowledge of interdependence, demonstrates endless nature of the economy and provides injection and leakages (Baumgrtel, 2012). For the physical flow of the product to be successful, there should be proper communication among the i ndividuals involved in the process. The organization should relay an appropriate message to the customers, which in turn respond by making payment of the product. Co-ordination is also another important factor in the process. There must be a proper coordination among the four parties with the right relationship. Document and Data flow diagram It is the graphical representation of information, and it is usually used as a primary step to provide an overview of the system (Hoof, 2016). The diagram indicates the type of data that are responsible for input and output from the system. It shows where the data moves to, its source and where it will be stored. The data flow diagram does not indicate the timing of the process and whether the process will operate in sequence or parallel (Redmond, 2013). Document flow diagram involves the recording the transaction of payment or documenting any activity during ticket processing. For example, during payment of the ticket, the document and data diagram can be represented as below. A is money received from the customer and P is the price of the ticket (Hoof, 2016). When A is less than P, the client is referred to A showing that the amount received is less than the price of the ticket. When A is greater or equal to P, the card is printed, and the change is dispensed (Shina, 2012). The whole diagram comprises of reviews concerning booking details, users in corporate level, the identity of the workers, movie screening as well as some seats booked by each and registered users both in the organization and in the cities (Stout, 2015). Booking details provide names of various movies screened on a given day, availability of corporate users for each video and number of seats booked (Sanchez and Royyuru, 2013). Corporate users entail name of the users, contacts including e-mails and phone numbers as well as their places of residence. The information in corporate users helps to obtain timely information for promotion purposes of the organization. Movie details consist of the cinema being screened and its location, name, date of screening and timing of the film to be shown (Mital and Desai, 2014). The revenue section provides users who are willing to book the ticket, which reflects the name, movie to be booked, number of users, seats booked and revenue generated. Seats booked give details of some seats for a particular day for a particular location. Assumptions the process of obtaining ticket online has principle assumptions that are applied to the users of the ticket and they include; every location comprise of different capacity of users, price of the ticket is at a fixed rate over the period, no cancellation of the ticket, payment mode is set, and internal operation involves the use of system. Information flow It is the process whereby information about the product moves from the point of manufacture to the final usage of the product. It is developed to manage the records concerning movie collection, sales of the ticket (Sanchez and Royyuru, 2013). It provides the conductive interface to the users to retrieve and to manage the records. Information in an organization is required to gather a certain amount of data concerning the product of the group (Mital and Desai, 2014). For instance, in the information flow process, it is important to include effective communication and coordination among the five that is from suppliers of material to final usage of the ticket by the customers to enhance understanding of each party in the organization. The product information flow diagram is as follows; Suppliers provide raw materials for the organization to process and manufacture tickets. Once tickets have been produced, they are distributed to the retailers, which in turn sell them to the final consumers (Ferreira and Proena, 2013). The transfer of information from suppliers to customers enhances the process of product movement. The distributors can directly sell the tickets to the customers or supply in bulk to wholesalers. Wholesales then sell to retailers, which in turn sell to individual clients (Ferreira and Proena, 2013). Future improvement Cinema ticket booking process is part of the management system, which can be implemented though there is some assumptions and limitation that need to be overcome. Incorporation of new applications such as modernization of payment mode, the dynamism of the ticket price, and implementation of refund and cancellation of the ticket, clients can choose the different type of seats during the time of reservation and the application of management system to each source and destination. Conclusion Most cinema industries have installed software to facilitate online booking system of tickets (Ferreira and Proena, 2013). The online booking processes have more advantages than physical method, which include anytime anywhere delivery of services, reduction of staff congestion and promotion of film internet. Marketing of tickets either physical or online need to be implemented to ensure reliability, efficiency and satisfaction of the customer hence high productivity of the organization product. Industries that have not developed an online system of ticket booking are therefore encouraged to adopt the system since it is effective and efficient regarding production, marketing, and customer satisfaction. Reference Braet, O., Spek, S., Pauwels, C. (2013). Crowdfunding the movies: A business analysis of crowdfinanced moviemaking in small geographical markets.Journal of Media Business Studies,10(1), 1-23. Hoof, F. (2016). Post-Cinematic Distribution Flows: Alternative Content, Sports Films and the (In) Stability of the Multiplex Market. InThe State of Post-Cinema(pp. 149-163). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Stout, G. (2015). Control and Flow: Winterbottoms Migratory Cinema.Alien Imaginations: Science Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism, 209. Baumgrtel, T. (Ed.). (2012).Southeast Asian Independent Cinema: Essays, Documents, Interviews(Vol. 1). Hong Kong University Press. Sanchez, J. S., Royyuru, V. K., Myers, J. W. (2013).U.S. Patent Application No. 14/024,352. Redmond, S. D. (2013).U.S. Patent No. 8,615,652. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Shina, S. G. (2012).Concurrent engineering and design for manufacture of electronics products. Springer Science Business Media. Mital, A., Desai, A., Subramanian, A., Mital, A. (2014).Product development: a structured approach to consumer product development, design, and manufacture. Elsevier. Ferreira, F. N. H., Proena, J. F., Spencer, R., Cova, B. (2013). The transition from products to solutions: External business model fit and dynamics.Industrial Marketing Management,42(7), 1093-1101. Fang, Z., Yang, Y., Xu, Y., Li, W. (2016). Boost movie ticket sales by location-based advertising: A Bayesian VAR approach.Journal of Media Economics,29(3), 125-138.