Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Issues of Professional Responsibility

Experts in all the expert fields and ventures know their real duties and obligations which impact their expert movement from the purpose of its results.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on The Issues of Professional Responsibility explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, it is likewise conceivable to talk about expert duty as the assortment of the ethical commitments and standards to follow. In this manner, the limits of the expert duty regarding masters are expansive and incorporate not just real finishing the work undertakings and assignments yet in addition the ethical parts of the inquiry. By and by, where is the edge of the person’s duty regarding their expert activities? Are people answerable for every one of their activities without references to the character of the got assignments and their finishing? Is it important to bring up the realities of not following the standards of expert obligation? These inquiries are somewhat question able. Richard Hare and Sissela Bok talk about these ones and different inquiries related with the issue of expert obligation in their articles. Notwithstanding the reality the researchers’ contentions are very unique and rely upon the different viewpoints, it is essential to focus on the way that, in the ethical setting, proficient duty depends on those standards which are emphasizd in the field of morals that is the reason a man is in every case ethically answerable for every one of his activities since he has the ethical right of decision. Experts are answerable for accomplishing their work cautiously with references to the archived standards and guidelines and to the code of morals for the unmistakable calling. That is the reason proficient duty is the idea which includes a ton of components noteworthy for the commonsense part of the work and for the ethical field with relying upon the character of relational relations between the associates, the business and representativ es, accomplices, laborers and clients.Advertising Looking for article on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Professional duty is firmly connected with the issue of successful finishing the undertakings when the procedure of work incorporates following clear viable and good obligations and commitments. Is it simple to settle on the correct good decision from the point of view of expert obligations? It is critical to take note of that the field of the genuine and commonsense expert duty is constrained by the scope of the specific expert obligations and commitments. At the point when a man tails them effectively and complete the undertakings altogether with references to the ordinances introduced in the code of morals, the likelihood to settle on an off-base good decision according to either activity is insignificant. By and by, there are a great deal of tricky circumstances when an individual needs to pi ck between finishing the request as per the superior’s directions or follow their own contemplations about the character of the request in view of its conceivable unethical nature. Richard Hare talks about the circumstance with alluding to officers and their finishing the requests. The creator presents the dangerous inquiry as following, an officer must comply with the requests, â€Å"and he is at risk to fault in the event that he resists them, we can't reliably additionally accuse him if in a specific case he obeys them †despite the fact that the demonstration which he has submitted is of itself wrong† (Hare 425). In this circumstance, an officer ought to follow the standards of his expert obligation and comply with the request, and he ought to follow his ethical vision of the circumstance and attempt to act ethically in light of the fact that â€Å"the individual is consistently answerable for his own acts† (Hare 425).Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on The Issues of Professional Responsibility explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More From this point, the standards of profound quality are crossed with the standards of polished methodology. Along these lines, experts ought to comply with the requests and complete the errands as per the guidelines when ethically mindful people should act according to the standards of profound quality with references to the expert morals. The situation as indicated by which it is important to act in the ethically tricky circumstances at working environments is hard to be created. There are consistently dangers which can happen while working and they are frequently connected with the ethical parts of the issues. On the off chance that an individual notification the unequivocal danger for powerful building up the working procedure or for its outcomes and results, is it important to cause the leader’s to notice the issue with alluding to the individual who isn't produc tive from the point of view of their obligations? The wonder of informants is examined in the work by Sissela Bok who expresses that â€Å"for whistleblowing to be successful, it must stir its audience† (Bok 4). All things considered, the purposes behind whistleblowing and its belongings can be unique. There are many individuals who are certain that the reality of whistleblowing isn't simply according to different representatives against whom it is coordinated. Nonetheless, there are additionally numerous people who concur that informants can add to decreasing the dangers and unsafe circumstances in companies.Advertising Searching for article on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More The parts of expert duty allude to the activities and expert practices of the unmistakable people, in this manner, they are capable just for their own activities. The inquiry is in the duty regarding the other persons’ activities and the reality of realizing the activities are not ethically or expertly great. Bok talks about the issue from numerous sides and complements its disputable character. Every circumstance is novel, and the dreams of various individuals of the issue of expert duty can be different regardless of the reality there are all inclusive laws and standards of ethical quality and distinct guidelines of expert acting and carrying on. Bok demonstrates that â€Å"whistleblowing needs to stay a last option due to its damaging symptoms: it must be picked just when different options have been thought of and rejected† (Bok 6). Subsequently, it is conceivable to talk about some beneficial outcomes of whistleblowing while not focusing on the negative parts of the procedure as a result of the debate of the inquiry. Standing up so as to pull in the public’s thoughtfulness regarding the issue, an informant can incite an extraordinary number of issues associated with the notoriety, authorities’ mentality, audience’s response, moral decision, and partiality. Hence, as indicated by Hare, â€Å"the topic of theory is the utilization of words† (Hare 427). That is the reason the viable or insufficient utilization of words by an informant can result diversely relying upon the ethical parts of the circumstance. The edges of expert duty as per the code of morals can be wide to the point that the positive components of the procedure of whistleblowing can be even fixed. As indicated by Bok, â€Å"the biggest expert building affiliation expects individuals to stand up against manhandles compromising the security, wellbeing, and government assistance of the public† (Bok 2). For this situation, whistleblowing of such a cha racter can be talked about as the necessity which is upheld by the code of morals utilized in the organization. Experts ought to be liable for their exacting after the standards of their work and collaborations and forestall the advancement of the other persons’ hazardous acts. From one viewpoint, whistleblowing as the procedure is related with some foul play when a person’s activities are coordinated against the other individual. Then again, numerous individuals can contend that it is unethical to be quiet when there is some danger which can be anticipated. That is the reason it is conceivable to talk about the more evolved order of activities and practices which ought to be forestalled with the assistance of standing up. Obligations, commitments, and obligations are not favored by individuals since they limit their activities. Proficient duty constrains the person’s proficient conduct, and the ethical obligation impacts all an amazing parts. Richard Hare shows that individuals are slanted to dispose of their ethical obligations using any and all means, and people frequently want to accuse the others, particularly specialists, for their off-base good decision, and thus, indecent requests. In this manner, â€Å"to dispose of one’s good issues on to the shoulders of another person †¦ is to be liberated from much concern; it is to trade the tormented obligation of the grown-up for the upbeat flightiness of the kid (Hare 427). Duties of any character are seen by individuals as unreasonably restricted for them, yet it is just a human quality to feel the ethical duty regarding his activities and practices. That is the reason Hare proposes one progressively disputable inquiry, â€Å"how can the sets of another person exonerate me from moral responsibility?† (Hare 430). Morals presents a great deal of ordinances and rules on which the issue of a man’s moral obligation depends. Subsequently, the moral standards are addit ionally utilized for controlling the expert relations, and they influence the advancement of the expert duty. Proficient obligation implies that individuals who can be considered as experts in any field ought to perform their responsibilities successfully with references to the functional outcomes and as per the ethical laws and standards. In the event that a man demonstrations in a positive manner, he is liable for his expert activities. Be that as it may, it is important to recognize right and

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Vessel traffic services (VTS) & coastal surveillance system (CSS) Essay

Vessel traffic administrations (VTS) and seaside reconnaissance framework (CSS) - Essay Example Global Maritime Organization (IOM) characterizes Vessel traffic administrations (VTS) â€Å"as a help actualized by a capable position intended to improve the wellbeing and productivity of vessel traffic and to secure the earth. The administration ought to have the ability to cooperate with the traffic and to react to traffic circumstances creating in the VTS area† (Paine, n. d. p.3). Elements of Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) The primary capacity of a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is to give dynamic checking and navigational guidance for vessels in especially clogged and occupied conduits henceforth it improves security of life and property and upgrades the marine traffic stream. But this Vessel Traffic Services Protect the earth by early identifying the spillage or spillage of any poison material Enhance effectiveness of vessel developments and port marine assets Provide data to the concerning specialists about developments of boats conveying risky or toxic freight locally ava ilable. Give Search and Rescue help Classification of Vessel Traffic Services Vessel Traffic Services are ordered either based on reconnaissance or area. Based on reconnaissance VTS are characterized into two classes. These two classes are Surveilled and Non-surveilled. As indicated by US Cost Guard Navigational Center (2005), ‘surveilled frameworks comprise of at least one land-based sensors (for example radar, AIS and shut circuit TV locales), which yield their signs to a focal area where administrators screen and oversee vessel traffic development. ... The framework which gives the observing and route help while entering or leaving a port, when cruising through waters or along the waterways is called as Harbor (or Port) Vessel Traffic Services Framework. Costal VTS for the most part worried about sea dealing going through a specific cost line (SOLAS Ch V-Regulation, n. d.). VTS and VTSMIS The main role of a VTS (as characterized by IALA) is to give dynamic navigational and observing counsel I. e; to give a reasonable, compact, ongoing picture of vessel traffic developments at ports and in profound waters, subsequently to stay away from any crash occurrence. In changing worldwide situation as financial elements have gotten need the exchange also, ties are quickly expanding. Subsequently vessel traffic over the globe is expanding. In this way the cut off states of rivalry, unregulated utilization of ocean space and uneven dangers invigorate the expansion dangers, infringement of lawful standards and steady need of basic administrations adrift (Dereliev, 2004 pp.115-116). Consequently to satisfy the wide scope of uses VTS utilizes an assortment of equipment and programming modules that gather, incorporate, survey and show sensor information in a way that gives a far reaching portrayal of the vessel traffic circumstance to VTS administrators (NORCONTROL IT AS, 2005). This upgraded Vessel Traffic Services System along with traffic arranging and screening instruments is called Vessel Traffic Management and Data System (VTMIS). VTMIS System Architecture VTMIS can do all sort of observation initiates. It utilizes an assortment of equipment and programming modules that gather, incorporate, survey and show sensor information in a way that gives an exhaustive

Sunday, August 16, 2020

[Guest Post] On Food and Cooking at MIT, Semester 1

[Guest Post] On Food and Cooking at MIT, Semester 1 cj: it turns out that people in my hall like making guest posts so here’s another guest post from my friend, jacky. he cooks. he’s really good at cooking. consider this an a d v a n c e d cooking post. (because apparently, not everyone cooks only eggs and toast like me.) warning: pictures of food. As the legendary French chef Auguste Escoffier once said, “la bonne cuisine est la base du véritable bonheur,” good food is the foundation of genuine happiness. Small wonder that the U.S. has such high prevalence of depression.01 Kessler, Ronald C, and Evelyn J Bromet. “The epidemiology of depression across cultures.” emAnnual review of public health/em vol. 34 (2013): 119-38. doi:10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031912-114409 02 cj: citing a paper in a blog post is in character for jacky don’t worry I admit that my opinion is biased against American cuisine as a whole, considering that my exposure to American food has mostly been limited to what I can acquire around MIT, but nevertheless I stand by my claim.03 cj: it seems that jacky is claiming that MIT food is bad therefore people in MIT are sad and this is absolutely not trueâ€"the food here emis/em bad but not everyone who eats it is sad Try convincing me otherwise, I pray that you do. A few key facts about me that may or may not provide additional context: I am Yu-Chi (Jacky) C. ’23; pre-dental student, and I live in EC.04 Hence the connection with my friend CJ. I am his hallmate. International student from Taiwan. Background in competitive Biology. Preferred cuisines: Japanese, Russian, French, Taiwanese.05 preferred cuisines like four different cuisines jeez When I arrived at MIT in August for international student orientation, I (along with all the other internationals) ate in the only dining hall06 I won’t specify which, and I hope that you will never need to find out. 07 cj: maseeh open for the summer. The food there was, in my opinion, unsatisfactory. At best. I tried to believe that it was a personal problem, but other internationals echoed my sentiment; I tried to believe that it was part of this “cultural shock” that the ISO people08 Short for International Student Office were trying to teach us about, but then I realized that even Americans found the food there unappealing. I then expanded my scope in search of good food. Kendall Square? Big NO.09 cj: but kendall square has chipotle best chipotle Central, Harvard? Ekh. Porter, Davis? Hmm. Boston? Meh. I seemed to me that American food can be summed up in two words: sugar and fat.10 For the sake of this discussion, the expensive “healthy/vegan/paleo” foods are not considered. Mouth-dehydrating diabetes-inducing levels of sugar (most likely high-fructose corn syrup), and a similarly high level of fat. I have nothing against fat: as long as it is properly prepared, it gives great flavor and texture. Forget the issue of health, some types of lipids aren’t as harmful as you think, anyways. But sugar? Seriously? In everything?11 cj: okay, jacky’s palate is very sophisticated and sugar-apprehensive, and this was not my experience at all In such great amounts? And thus begins my crusade for culinary delight. Here at MIT we are makers. Mens et manus they say, mind and hand. Alright, if I can’t buy it,12 At reasonable prices and without expending an unreasonable amount of time. I’ll make it. Ever since the start of the semester, I’ve cooked more than 90% of my meals (the other 10% comes from eating out with friends), and I daresay that my food, when properly made, tastes better than anything else I can find around MIT. And this is why I am here writing this blog post. We all know the quality of MIT dining. With the help of my friend CJ’s fame(?)13 cj: fame? jacky what is this?? as a blogger, I will try to present an alternative. To show what is possible. Everyone, every dish you see in this article has been made with my two hands, in the floorpi kitchen, using raw ingredients that are readily available. And now, a selection of various dishes I have made this semester at MIT, and some stories that come with them [drumroll]: Fig. 1. Lièvre  Ã   la Royale. The embodiment of too much freshman time on P/NR.14 cj: this entire post screams this tbh Made the week before finals after the last of my midterms, passing guaranteed. Ninety minutes of deboning rabbits, bones simmered overnight, meat stuffed with goose liver pate and cooked for four hours. Rabbit is extremely tender and tastes like chicken, sourced from EC courtyard (jk). Fig. 2. Left: Oyster with blueberry mignonette; Right: Oyster omelet (Taiwanese street food). Oyster, one of my favorite things about Boston. Risk of bacterial infection but who cares. Very real risk of stabbing yourself while shucking15 cj: removing the meat without losing the juice inside. i learned this word today but who cares. Fig 3. Clockwise from top left: Seolleongtang (Korean beef bone soup), Pumpkin soup, Oxtail soup, Borscht. Soups: highly convenient, highly versatile; easy to store and reheat, suffers little in terms of flavor. Friendly to hosed16 cj: stressed out, busy, lots of things to do, idk MIT students (although I haven’t started being hosed yet?). Fig. 4. Left: Seared beef top blade sushi; Right: Salmon nigiri sushi four ways. Crude imitation of real sushi. What am I missing? Fresh fish, a sharp knife, or MSG?17 Monosodium glutamate: the ultimate spice. Makes everything taste better. Made with the help of my “big lighter”.18 Actually, a butane blowtorch, see Fig. 9 right. Fig. 5: Ramen. Ramen is to Japanese cuisine as McDonalds is to American cuisine: fast food. Can be served in under fifteen minutes. All ingredients (soup, garnishes, chashu,19 Japanese sliced pork belly, as shown in the picture. noodles) made by hand from raw materials. Made with the help of my “big lighter” and unlimited gas20 cj: not actually unlimited in the East Campus kitchens (for boiling the soup for 14+ hours). Fig. 6. Chicken Kiev. One of my more health-conscious hallmates once remarked that I never make healthy food. The next day, the following conversation took place in the kitchen. “Jacky, what are you cooking today?” “Chicken breast…” “Ooh! Finally, some healthy stuff!” “…stuffed with parsley and butter, rolled in panko and deep fried.” “Alright.” But, seriously. Who cares about healthfulness when you can enjoy the tenderest chicken breast you’ve ever had? You don’t even know what’s actually healthy for you anyway. (You think you do? Remember that dietary guidelines change drastically every few years. Chances are, what you think is wrong.) Fig. 7. Beef Stroganoff à la déconstruction. Steak cooked perfectly21 cj: so jacky made this for our thanksgiving potluck, and i can verify that it was indeed perfect medium rare, lightly smoked with hickory, paired with a savory sauce made from sour cream and mushrooms. My personal take on the classic Russian dish. A note on smoking meat: please open the windows, close the kitchen door, and get a fan to ventilate the whole place unless you want to trigger the fire alarm (long story)22 cj: this post really isnt complete without a discussion of the fire alarm. so, jacky was making broth and left it alone. and then the water ran out, because jacky was working on his 18.06 pset and forgot to replace the water, and it began filling the kitchen with smoke. so the smoke detectors went off and the fire alarm for the ementire west parallel/em of east campus went off and everyone had to evacuate, and that was the first fire alarm in east campus that semester. the fire department came and opened the windows. after thirty minutes or so, we were let back in, but our floor smelled like smoke for two or three days. . Fig. 8. Sous Vide Duck à lorange. Made with one of my favorite kitchen tools: the sous vide machine (along with the “big lighter” and the sushi knife). Looks pro but to be honest, sous vide is quite a no-brainer: essentially a constant temperature water bath, you only have to set the temperature. Easier than most MIT classes. You don’t even have to physically be there (during the cooking process, also works for MIT classes) â€" even if you forget your meat in the pot for hours23 cj: there are LOTS of safety issues with this don’t do this unless you know what you’re doing please please please while you get distracted by psets, you’ll still end up with a decently tender cut.24 Declaration of conflicting interests: The author is not affiliated with any seller of sous vide machines. Fig. 9. Left: “The Perfect” Ribeye; Right: Demonstration of the “big lighter”. For my CI-H class final essay,25 21W.747 Rhetoric: excellent class, super fun, I recommend it with all my heart. 26 cj: a ci-h is a communication intensive class; mit students need to take two ci-hs to graduate. I wrote an evolutionary biological analysis on why my method of preparing steak is the “best”.27 Defined by being able to elicit the strongest preference under sensory bias (a.k.a. the steak I prefer the most). In brief: sear first, sous vide, and then sear again. My essay (hopefully) describes the resulting product well: The color on the inside should be red-pink, reminiscent of blooming roses, and the surface should glisten with moisture of the meaty juices. Aromatics diffuse from the steak, strong enough to make you drool, carrying the sunshine on fresh pastures and golden grains, an ambrosial delight. Each bite brings the crunch of browned crust paired with the luscious tenderness of the interior, the soft flesh parting, washing the taste buds with wave after wave of sweet, rich, savory notes. Bite after bite after bite, the meat releases its flavor and its juices. This is the flavor from the bonfire of the first men, the flavor of vitality for the ancient hunter, the flavor that nourished our ancestors. Sometimes I really wonder, do I write better than I cook, or do I cook better than I write?28 cj: jacky cooks better than he writes Fig. 10. Herring Under a Fur Coat with CJ. It would be a shame if I keep all this food to myself. I like to cook for my friends29 In the beginning of the semester, I even opened a meal plan briefly, before I got outcompeted by the Pika meal plan. 30 cj: pika is one of mit’s independent living groups and they have a meal plan where you get food in exchange for cooking or cleaning iirc every once in a while, either taking specific orders or serving whatever I like. This Russian salad was what I decided to make when CJ asked me for a meal after finals. I think he enjoyed it?31 cj: it was good, i enjoyed it :D Many people have asked me how long I’ve been cooking for. The answer is usually shorter than what they expect: I started practicing after I got admitted by MIT early, so this amounts to less than a year. I guess prior experience in competitive biology does help a bit, as in the case of removing small bones from a whole rabbit without breaking the meat. I used to specialize in the practical branch of competitions, so I guess I had a little head start, but I believe that with a little work, anyone can learn to cook well. Those ten pictures are just the tip of the iceberg. Sadly, I cannot post all the delicious dishes that I have made this semester, as that would take up too much space (and too much of your precious time). Moreover, my cooking is but a small step into the realm of culinary delight, and I expect to keep improving (if my coursework allows, of course). All this being said, I hope I haven’t made you too hungry with all this talk about food. Still, bon appétit, and see you all next semester!32 If CJ allows me to make a second food post, of course. Appendix 1. Some recipes Lièvre  Ã   la Royale (See Fig. 1) Day 1 Preparation: Debone rabbit. Season meat with salt and pepper, reserve. Chop bones into ~1cm bits. Bone stock: Sear bones in duck fat with shallot. Cook the duck innards and bones in red wine, veal stock, and mirepoix. Bring to a boil and simmer overnight. Stuffing: Cut bacon fat into small squares, mix with minced pork tenderloin. Add finely minced mushroom and egg, season with salt and pepper. Making the roll: Spread rabbit meat on a piece of plastic wrap. Spread stuffing on top of the meat, then place pieces of pate on the stuffing. Tightly roll in plastic wrap, refrigerate overnight. Day 2 Cooking the roll: Sous vide the roll in rabbit bone stock at 139 degrees Fahrenheit for 4 hours. Chill roll, then slice into desired thickness. Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes. Making the sauce: Bring some the stock to a gentle simmer. Add red wine vinegar, simmer until most of the acid has boiled off. Add flour to thicken slightly. Combine with dark chocolate, stir. Do not boil. Serving: Place roll on top of mashed potatoes. Add sauce. Garnish with whatever you like (not shown). Oyster Omelet (See Fig. 2) Mix 2tbsp (35g) potato starch, 1 tbsp (10g) cornstarch, ½ tbsp (5g) flour, and 130 ml water to form batter. Rest for 20~30 minutes. Shuck 10~12 oysters, rest on ice. Cut leafy vegetables into bite sized pieces. Beat 1 egg (or 2, if you plan on adding lots of vegetables). Heat up a nonstick skillet with a little oil, add batter. Fry for 5 seconds, then add oysters. Continue to fry until crisp. Add eggs. Add vegetables before eggs solidify. Steam until vegetables are cooked. (Optional) fold in half. Serve with ketchup, fish sauce, or your preferred toppings. “The Perfect” Steak (See Fig. 9) The Steak Melt butter, gently heat with aromatic herbs (e.g. thyme) Place steak on heatproof surface, blowtorch while basting with butter until surface is browned. Alternatively, lightly sear on a screaming hot cast iron pan. Place steak in bag with salt, pepper, butter, and marinade (I prefer Worcestershire sauce), remove air from bag by immersing it in water, then seal. Sous vide at 130 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 hour. Remove steak from bag, reserve marinade. Wipe dry and briefly sear until crisp. The Sauce Melt butter, stir in flour to make a brown roux. Add veal stock, simmer (do not boil, as the sauce may break). [optional] add diced mushrooms to make a mushroom sauce. Add marinade from the sous vide process. Reduce to desired consistency. Serving This steak does not require resting. Cut across the grain into thick slices to reduce fluid loss. Serve with grilled vegetables, mashed potatoes, honey glazed carrots (as shown in Fig. 9), or any side dish of your choice. Kessler, Ronald C, and Evelyn J Bromet. “The epidemiology of depression across cultures.” Annual review of public health vol. 34 (2013): 119-38. doi:10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031912-114409 back to text ? cj: citing a paper in a blog post is in character for jacky don’t worry back to text ? cj: it seems that jacky is claiming that MIT food is bad therefore people in MIT are sad and this is absolutely not trueâ€"the food here is bad but not everyone who eats it is sad back to text ? Hence the connection with my friend CJ. I am his hallmate. back to text ? preferred cuisines  like four different cuisines jeez back to text ? I won’t specify which, and I hope that you will never need to find out. back to text ? cj: maseeh back to text ? Short for International Student Office back to text ? cj: but kendall square has chipotle best chipotle back to text ? For the sake of this discussion, the expensive “healthy/vegan/paleo” foods are not considered. back to text ? cj: okay, jacky’s palate is very sophisticated and sugar-apprehensive, and this was not my experience at all back to text ? At reasonable prices and without expending an unreasonable amount of time. back to text ? cj: fame? jacky what is this?? back to text ? cj: this entire post screams this tbh back to text ? cj: removing the meat without losing the juice inside. i learned this word today back to text ? cj: stressed out, busy, lots of things to do, idk back to text ? Monosodium glutamate: the ultimate spice. Makes everything taste better. back to text ? Actually, a butane blowtorch, see Fig. 9 right. back to text ? Japanese sliced pork belly, as shown in the picture. back to text ? cj: not actually unlimited back to text ? cj: so jacky made this for our thanksgiving potluck, and i can verify that it was indeed perfect back to text ? cj: this post really isnt complete without a discussion of the fire alarm. so, jacky was making broth and left it alone. and then the water ran out, because jacky was working on his 18.06 pset and forgot to replace the water, and it began filling the kitchen with smoke. so the smoke detectors went off and the fire alarm for the entire west parallel of east campus went off and everyone had to evacuate, and that was the first fire alarm in east campus that semester. the fire department came and opened the windows. after thirty minutes or so, we were let back in, but our floor smelled like smoke for two or three days. back to text ? cj: there are LOTS of safety issues with this don’t do this unless you know what you’re doing please please please back to text ? Declaration of conflicting interests: The author is not affiliated with any seller of sous vide machines. back to text ? 21W.747 Rhetoric: excellent class, super fun, I recommend it with all my heart. back to text ? cj: a ci-h is a communication intensive class; mit students need to take two ci-hs to graduate. back to text ? Defined by being able to elicit the strongest preference under sensory bias (a.k.a. the steak I prefer the most). back to text ? cj: jacky cooks better than he writes back to text ? In the beginning of the semester, I even opened a meal plan briefly, before I got outcompeted by the Pika meal plan. back to text ? cj: pika is one of mit’s independent living groups and they have a meal plan where you get food in exchange for cooking or cleaning iirc back to text ? cj: it was good, i enjoyed it :D back to text ? If CJ allows me to make a second food post, of course. back to text ?

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Summary Ofsorrow Acre By Isak Dinesen - 1345 Words

Argumentative Essay: Sorrow Acre In the short story, â€Å"Sorrow Acre†, by Isak Dinesen, there are three themes found throughout the story that teaches us about suffering, gender and moral character. The character, Anne Marie displays that overcoming suffering can lead to accomplishing happiness. The Old Lord’s young wife, Sophie Magdalena, feels as if she is no one can give her the affection and attention she desires and that her only purpose of her marriage is to bear the Old Lord a son. This a common misperception that many women have to tolerate. One of the main characters, Adam, exhibits a virtuous, moral character by challenging what is morally right in this story and he counters the old views of his uncle. I will support my themes in this essay, and give examples to further my claims. According to the Buddha, every aspect of life leads to suffering, such as: birth, death, sorrow and pain. In life, we cannot get rid of suffering and it’s almost essential to our everyday lives’. I a gree with Buddha because as human beings, we have to undergo suffering, either willingly or unwillingly, it’s just a part of life. There are Four Noble Truths associated with suffering. The First Noble Truth, is to have acknowledge that there is suffering and that every human being is composed of the five aggregates of grasping suffering. Which includes the following: the aggregates of grasping form, feeling, perception, the mental formations, and consciousness. Since these aggregates cannot be

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Essay On Type 2 Diabetes - 721 Words

Type 2 diabetes is an enormous and rising chronic disease seen in the United States (U.S.) and throughout many parts of the world. â€Å"Nearly 26 million Americans have the disease† (Fonseca, Kirkman, Darsow Ratner, 2012, p. 1380). This includes over 10% of the total adult population and greater than 25% of the population 65 years and older (Fonseca, Kirkman, Darsow Ratner, 2012). High prevalence rates of prediabetes have been recorded as well. According to Fonseca, Kirkman, Darsow Ratner (2012), there is an additional 79 million adult Americans who have prediabetes. There are several reasons type 2 diabetes has a higher prevalence rate at this time and these risks include; age, ethnicity, obesity, family history, smoking and a sedentary†¦show more content†¦The high prevalence rate of diabetes comes at a substantial economic cost. Fonseca, Kirkman, Darsow Ratner (2012), report diabetes and prediabetes accounted for roughly $218 billion in direct medical costs an d lost productivity in the U.S. in 2007. This chronic illness requires several diverse medical professionals to safely and efficiently provide health care to these complex patients. â€Å"The American Diabetes Association (ADA) standard of medical care recommends that diabetes treatment be delivered via health care team minimally consisting of a physician, nurse, dietitian, and mental health professional† (Earles, 2001, p. 848). Nurse educators are able to assess patients diabetes management skills and knowledge about the disease. Nurse educators also teach patients on the importance of glucose monitoring and insulin injection technique. The role of a dietician according to Earles (2001) is to develop individual meal plans for each patient and to present meal planning classes that covers general dietary guidelines. Lastly, pharmacists plays a big role as part of the interdisciplinary team as well. Many patients with diabetes have complex medication regimens (Earles, 2001). Th e team role of a pharmacist is to review and suggest alternative medications that may be more suited for the patient on an individual need. Pharmacists also assist theShow MoreRelatedEssay On Type 2 Diabetes898 Words   |  4 PagesCardiovascular and Renal Events in Type 2 Diabetes; Bruce Neal, M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D., Vlado Perkovic, M.B., B.S., Ph.D., Kenneth W. Mahaffey, M.D., Dick de Zeeuw, M.D., Ph.D., Greg Fulcher, M.D., Ngozi Erondu, M.D., Ph.D., Wayne Shaw, D.S.L., Gordon Law, Ph.D., Mehul Desai, M.D., and David R. Matthews, D.Phil., B.M., B.Ch; New England Journal of Medicine Introduction †¢ An estimated 23.1 million people—or 7.2% of the U.S. population—had diagnosed diabetes †¢ Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased riskRead MoreEssay On Type 2 Diabetes1689 Words   |  7 PagesReducing Type II Diabetes within our African American Community According to Healthy People 2020 (2014), diabetes affects over 29 million people in the United States, with another estimated 28 percent of the population having undiagnosed cases. Of those at risk, African Americans are almost 2 times more likely to be diagnosed as opposed to their Caucasian counterparts. 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It effects the respiratory system In Type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulinRead MoreEssay On Type 2 Diabetes755 Words   |  4 Pagesearly detection of type 2 diabetes by screening are lacking and are now unlikely to be obtained.† Khunti K, Davies M (2012) Type 2 diabetes is common and more so now, evidence backing the efficiency and usefulness of screening is limited (Khunti K, Davies M 2012). There are no trials done of screened patients and non screened patients and thus no evidence to go with this perfect way of comparing the cost-effectiveness of this method (Khunti K, Davies M, 2012). Type 2 diabetes meets the criteriaRead MoreEssay On Type 2 Diabetes1757 Words   |  8 Pagesbarriers to adhering to self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes? Two research papers were selected to address this question, namely Moser et al (2008) and Rise et al (2013). Moser et al (2008) and Rise et al (2013) both clearly stated the purpose of their research studies. The purpose of the former study was to report an empirically grounded conceptualization of self-management in the context of autonomy of people with type 2 diabetes (Moser et al.,2008). The aim of the latter study was toRead MoreInside Type 2 Diabetes Essay1735 Words   |  7 PagesType 2 diabetes is a very serious disease with many life threatening consequences, but if it is manage properly through preventative measures, diabetics can live a normal life. According to (Diabetes UK 2008) Type 2 diabetes can remain undetected for ten years or more and 50 per cent of people show signs of complications when diagnosed. It is therefore the responsibility of the individuals and the government to prevent the disease from developing. A lot of people do not realise that their weightRead MoreThe Reality of Type 2 Diabetes Essay1381 Words   |  6 Pagesdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes as it seems to come out of nowhere. Common first reactions include confusion, denial, anger, anxiety and a sense of defeat. The mind starts to explain this information with thoughts such as the doctor is mistaken, the test is faulty, or I feel healthy. This quickly morphs into feeling betrayed by one’s body and questions of why this is happening. Most people have a general idea of what diabetes is but misconceptions about the causes, treatment and types of diabetes lead toRead MoreType 2 Diabetes Mellitus Essay1748 Words   |  7 PagesType 2 Diabetes Mellit us (T2DM) is a chronic disease that is modifiable and preventable through diet and exercise. The incidence of T2DM is propagated by a sedentary lifestyle and excessive caloric intake. Maintenance of a desirable body weight, diet, and exercise are the mainstay therapy for T2DM (Buttaro, Trybulski, Bailey, Sanberg-Cook, 2013). I have chosen Shannon, a 30 year old single African American female who is newly diagnosed with T2DM for my health promotion paper. Shannon is obese

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rural vs. Country Living Free Essays

Sean Stafford 11/11/12 Living Urban Vs. Rural The on-going debate of living in the city vs. country is very controversial in many people’s eyes but, the city has much more to offer economically, socially and in many other ways more convenient. We will write a custom essay sample on Rural vs. Country Living or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being able to meet your needs conveniently and to travel in a car less is what makes the city a lot easier to live in. Therefore, Living in the city is much more beneficial than living in the rural areas. Being able to walk around different places that offer different things to meet your needs specifically is something we could dream of, well in the setting of a city you are able to virtually walk anywhere and either takes a metro or taxi and you will arrive at your destination quicker than ever. Living in the city brings a sort of social structure in a way because when you live in the Country your nearest neighbor may be a mile away. There may be times when you won’t see another human being for days unless you go somewhere off of your property. And f you so much as run out of milk it means a trip in the car. Mechanics and most services are not close It is not easy if your car breaks down and your nearest mechanic is 30 miles away. Secondly, there are many kind of public transport such as train, tram, bus, taxi in the city and there are many streets. On the other hands, in the country they do not have many streets so therefore making the city transport system more complex but in a better way. Again the convenience in the city is better than the convenience in the country. It is easy to make more friends because people living in a city are more friendly and happier with their friends. On the other hand, in the country people are less open minded to make friends with someone they have never met. Another factor that has to do with the well being of a person is getting sick, and health in the city is better than in the country, In city there are many hospitals. Lastly, How to cite Rural vs. Country Living, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Cinema Ticket Business Process

Question: Discuss about the Cinema Ticket Business Process. Answer: Introduction Cinema ticket is a voucher that indicates that an individual has the right or permission to watch a particular film or a movie for a given duration of time at a specific place. As a business process, cinema ticket is considered at the point of marketing or sales. One can buy a ticket from the box office or at the counter of an entertainment industry or an organization, which avails the tickets in the form of ticket checks or as separate. Tickets are also available from resellers, which are commercial enterprises that order tickets in the form of wholesale and reselling them to the consumers. Many customers trust dealers because of convenience and availability. The convenient factor relates to the local ticket acquisition while the availability factor is that all the tickets have been sold hence need to purchase the tickets from the resellers or not to see the particular performance of the show. Online booking of cinema tickets has been the current process of buying the tickets. Indus tries that have not developed the online system of ticket booking are therefore encouraged to adopt the system since it is effective and efficient regarding production, marketing, and customer satisfaction. Physical flow of cinema ticket Physical flow involves the circular movement model of the ticket card from the business sector to the point of use and the transfer of resources from the household sector to the business sector (Fang andYang, 2016). The physical flow is demonstrated as a counter-clockwise flow whereby the product market at the top, resource at the bottom, household sector at the left and organization at the right as the payment moves in the opposite direction (Braet and Spek, 2013). The household sector is the people seeking the consumption of the cinema ticket and at far right is the organization, which is responsible for the production of the ticket card (Hoof, 2016). At the top side are the product markets, which is responsible for the exchange of product or gross domestic product. The resource market exchanges the services of the resources (Braet and Spek, 2013). Payment flows from the household because they possess resources. Provision of services and resources to the organization via supply market, the company then utilize the resources in the production of tickets that are then provided to the customers (Hoof, 2016). The circular flow of payment play a significant role in the organization, it measures national income, gives out knowledge of interdependence, demonstrates endless nature of the economy and provides injection and leakages (Baumgrtel, 2012). For the physical flow of the product to be successful, there should be proper communication among the i ndividuals involved in the process. The organization should relay an appropriate message to the customers, which in turn respond by making payment of the product. Co-ordination is also another important factor in the process. There must be a proper coordination among the four parties with the right relationship. Document and Data flow diagram It is the graphical representation of information, and it is usually used as a primary step to provide an overview of the system (Hoof, 2016). The diagram indicates the type of data that are responsible for input and output from the system. It shows where the data moves to, its source and where it will be stored. The data flow diagram does not indicate the timing of the process and whether the process will operate in sequence or parallel (Redmond, 2013). Document flow diagram involves the recording the transaction of payment or documenting any activity during ticket processing. For example, during payment of the ticket, the document and data diagram can be represented as below. A is money received from the customer and P is the price of the ticket (Hoof, 2016). When A is less than P, the client is referred to A showing that the amount received is less than the price of the ticket. When A is greater or equal to P, the card is printed, and the change is dispensed (Shina, 2012). The whole diagram comprises of reviews concerning booking details, users in corporate level, the identity of the workers, movie screening as well as some seats booked by each and registered users both in the organization and in the cities (Stout, 2015). Booking details provide names of various movies screened on a given day, availability of corporate users for each video and number of seats booked (Sanchez and Royyuru, 2013). Corporate users entail name of the users, contacts including e-mails and phone numbers as well as their places of residence. The information in corporate users helps to obtain timely information for promotion purposes of the organization. Movie details consist of the cinema being screened and its location, name, date of screening and timing of the film to be shown (Mital and Desai, 2014). The revenue section provides users who are willing to book the ticket, which reflects the name, movie to be booked, number of users, seats booked and revenue generated. Seats booked give details of some seats for a particular day for a particular location. Assumptions the process of obtaining ticket online has principle assumptions that are applied to the users of the ticket and they include; every location comprise of different capacity of users, price of the ticket is at a fixed rate over the period, no cancellation of the ticket, payment mode is set, and internal operation involves the use of system. Information flow It is the process whereby information about the product moves from the point of manufacture to the final usage of the product. It is developed to manage the records concerning movie collection, sales of the ticket (Sanchez and Royyuru, 2013). It provides the conductive interface to the users to retrieve and to manage the records. Information in an organization is required to gather a certain amount of data concerning the product of the group (Mital and Desai, 2014). For instance, in the information flow process, it is important to include effective communication and coordination among the five that is from suppliers of material to final usage of the ticket by the customers to enhance understanding of each party in the organization. The product information flow diagram is as follows; Suppliers provide raw materials for the organization to process and manufacture tickets. Once tickets have been produced, they are distributed to the retailers, which in turn sell them to the final consumers (Ferreira and Proena, 2013). The transfer of information from suppliers to customers enhances the process of product movement. The distributors can directly sell the tickets to the customers or supply in bulk to wholesalers. Wholesales then sell to retailers, which in turn sell to individual clients (Ferreira and Proena, 2013). Future improvement Cinema ticket booking process is part of the management system, which can be implemented though there is some assumptions and limitation that need to be overcome. Incorporation of new applications such as modernization of payment mode, the dynamism of the ticket price, and implementation of refund and cancellation of the ticket, clients can choose the different type of seats during the time of reservation and the application of management system to each source and destination. Conclusion Most cinema industries have installed software to facilitate online booking system of tickets (Ferreira and Proena, 2013). The online booking processes have more advantages than physical method, which include anytime anywhere delivery of services, reduction of staff congestion and promotion of film internet. Marketing of tickets either physical or online need to be implemented to ensure reliability, efficiency and satisfaction of the customer hence high productivity of the organization product. Industries that have not developed an online system of ticket booking are therefore encouraged to adopt the system since it is effective and efficient regarding production, marketing, and customer satisfaction. Reference Braet, O., Spek, S., Pauwels, C. (2013). Crowdfunding the movies: A business analysis of crowdfinanced moviemaking in small geographical markets.Journal of Media Business Studies,10(1), 1-23. Hoof, F. (2016). Post-Cinematic Distribution Flows: Alternative Content, Sports Films and the (In) Stability of the Multiplex Market. InThe State of Post-Cinema(pp. 149-163). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Stout, G. (2015). Control and Flow: Winterbottoms Migratory Cinema.Alien Imaginations: Science Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism, 209. Baumgrtel, T. (Ed.). (2012).Southeast Asian Independent Cinema: Essays, Documents, Interviews(Vol. 1). Hong Kong University Press. Sanchez, J. S., Royyuru, V. K., Myers, J. W. (2013).U.S. Patent Application No. 14/024,352. Redmond, S. D. (2013).U.S. Patent No. 8,615,652. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Shina, S. G. (2012).Concurrent engineering and design for manufacture of electronics products. Springer Science Business Media. Mital, A., Desai, A., Subramanian, A., Mital, A. (2014).Product development: a structured approach to consumer product development, design, and manufacture. Elsevier. Ferreira, F. N. H., Proena, J. F., Spencer, R., Cova, B. (2013). The transition from products to solutions: External business model fit and dynamics.Industrial Marketing Management,42(7), 1093-1101. Fang, Z., Yang, Y., Xu, Y., Li, W. (2016). Boost movie ticket sales by location-based advertising: A Bayesian VAR approach.Journal of Media Economics,29(3), 125-138.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Aristotle vs. Hobbes Equality Essay Essay Example

Aristotle vs. Hobbes: Equality Essay Paper Aristotle vs. Hobbes. constitutes a argument between two great minds from two deeply different periods of clip. Whereas Aristotle ( 384 – 322 BCE ) had been a portion of the Greek’s and more exactly. Athens’s Golden Age. Thomas Hobbes ( 1588 – 1679 ) had lived through the English Civil War of 1640s to go one of the most influential philosophers. Based on their ain personal experiences and milieus. both Aristotle and Hobbes had developed a position of what human equality should prolong. However. Hobbes’ apprehension of natural equality is preferred. as he provides society with the excess room for equality and chance that the topics of a good crowned head would see to be available to them. in comparing to Aristotle’s hierarchal division of people into natural higher-ups. inferiors and slaves. who are given really limited accomplishments and chances. Aristotle’s thought of equality would hold applied to all citizens who participate in the political life of the city state in which they live. We will write a custom essay sample on Aristotle vs. Hobbes: Equality Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Aristotle vs. Hobbes: Equality Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Aristotle vs. Hobbes: Equality Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer By making so. they would hold acquired the human virtuousnesss and excellences. every bit good as achieve their natural telos as a â€Å"political animal† ( Aristotle. p. 4 ) . Merely within a city state. citizens are able to take part and heighten their political and practical ground. therefore reach their human telos. As such. the city state is â€Å"among the things that exist by nature† ( Aristotle. p. 4 ) . and populating in one is the lone possible natural result for worlds. However. the term citizen in Aristotle’s position would non hold applied to everyone. but it would hold been instead limited within the city state. The city state had been formed as a family. a partnership between â€Å"persons who can non be without one another† ( Aristotle. 1252a27 ) and had later developed into a community of families. small towns. the telos of which consequences in a concatenation of small towns. city state. It had come into being to prolong our basic demands and it had stayed in order to back up a better manner of life. The family is the chief construction in the city state. which in fact provides citizens with the chance to hone their human virtuousnesss. Not merely is the family a subsidiary to the political establishment. but besides within itself it is wholly formed by unequal relationships – natural swayer vs. natural slave. hubby vs. married woman. parent vs. kid. â€Å"The slave is entirely missing the deliberative component ; the female has it but it lacks authorization ; the kid has it but it is incomplete† ( 1260a11 ) . Womans had non been allowed to vote during Aristotle’s clip and as such their natural telos would hold been different from that of the work forces. Together with the natural slaves. they would hold in different ways from one another. provided the work forces with the needed basic necessities to prolong life and therefore hold more clip to accomplish their telos as a â€Å"political animal† ( Aristotle. p. 4 ) . However. natural slaves would hold had no rights in comparing to the adult females. since the thought of an enslaved individual means that they are of course missing the rational powers and practical ground and therefore ought to be enslaved in order for them to carry through their natural telos as supplying for the natural swayer and giving their lives to humble responsibilities ( Aristotle. p. 15 ) . Natural slaves are animals that are of course inferior to citizens. who would supply the citizens with adequate clip to heighten their lives and use themselves towards accomplishing their telos – political enrichment. The adult male of the family. the natural swayer. is in fact the citizen. person who â€Å"shares in disposal of justness and in offices† ( Aristotle. p. 66 ) . has the leisure clip to take part in the political life of the city state. In fact. the good life for a citizen. described with Aristotle’s thoughts. would hold focused on developing oneself as a â€Å"political animal† ( Aristotle. p. 4 ) . Supplying pecuniary supplies for the family by the agencies of utilizing the exchange value of the merchandises should be merely to prolong the basic necessities and fulfill human life. Luxuries points and manner of life did non quality as fulfilling of one’s telos in the head of Aristotle. In fact. people would neer be satisfied with what they have. since the demand for more would increase with the ownerships owned ( Aristotle. p. 17-20 ) . That is why the lone manner for people to accomplish their higher virtuousness would hold been through political relations and practical ground. It is merely natural to believe that. as Aristotle points out. because no other being posses the ability to ground. Therefore. it is the citizens’ chief end in life. to accomplish the natural telos. the good life. by heightening more upon his political engagement ( Aristotle. p. 3-5 ) . The natural slaves. nevertheless. can non accomplish any such telos due to their natural damage and lower status to the citizen. Their natural intent in life is to function the swayer and supply for them. since the natural slave deficiencies such capablenesss as ground. â€Å"For he is a slave by nature who is capable of belonging to another – which is besides why he belongs to another – and who participates in ground merely to the extent of comprehending it. but does non hold it† ( 1254b16-23 ) . Normally. as Aristotle points out. natural slaves bread other natural slaves. although. sometimes higher-ups are known to hold natural slaves every bit good. However. he struggles to find whether the natural slave is in fact wholly rationally impaired and upon what grounds he should be enslaved. Therefore. this creates troubles when seeking to distinguish who should be enslaved. why and how to separate between a natural slave and a natural swayer. Aristotle seems to believe that the undertaking of separating natural slaves is far easier than idea. since all people have a natural disposition to be best in a certain undertaking that may non ever be political relations. Therefore. he believes that non all people should take part in the kingdom of political relations. since they would profit more to society and themselves if they concentrate on their domain of cognition alternatively. Hobbes’ thoughts of the equality. inequality and the good life. differs enormously from Aristotle’s thought of natural slaves and natural telos for citizens in the political life. For Hobbes. nevertheless. the thought of equality applies to everyone in the physical sense of the word. He views human existences as equality vulnerable to decease or be killed. and every bit eager to find their desires and effort to accomplish them ( Hobbes. p. 169-170 ) . Through the survey of Epistemology. the cognition of what we know. which we get thought our sense feelings. and Metaphysics. the thought that the lone things that exists in the existence are material and have mass. Hobbes is able do picture a really clear image of what human existences are like and where their motives originate. For Hobbes. worlds are ‘desiring machines’ . who are driven by enterprises. internal motions or emotions. which drives the human being â€Å"toward something which causes it. is called APPETITE. or DESIRE†¦ when the enterprise is from ward something. it is by and large called AVERSION† ( Hobbes. p. 140 ) . For Aristotle. the good of any citizen would be to take part in the political life of the city state. whereas the immorality is seen as the extra desire towards geting more goods for pecuniary exchange. However. Hobbes disagrees and in fact Tells us that worlds are wanting machines. therefore motivated by their enterprises towards certain things. as such. â€Å"the object of any man’s appetency or desire. that is it which he for his portion calleth good: and the object of his hatred and antipathy. evil ; and his disdain. vile and inconsiderable† ( Hobbes. p. 141 ) . Such basic elements of emotions are described to be really visibly in the ‘state of nature’ . which Hobbes describes as neither historical nor realistically accurate topographic point. but instead logically accurate as it represents the construction and jobs from the nature of the human existences. a province of being outside any political system or authorization. In this province of nature. all individuals are physically and of course equal to each other. All human existences portion equal exposure to be killed and die. every bit good as equal hope to accomplish their ends or desires. Due to this equality. nevertheless. distrust rises between two parties in a state of affairs where they have a common desire for the same mercenary good. â€Å"if any two work forces desire the same thing. which however they can non both enjoy. they become enemies ; and in the manner to the terminal. ( which is chiefly their ain preservation. and sometimes their delight only. ) enterprise to destruct. or subdue one another† ( Hobbes. p. 170 ) . This leads to the province of war. which in no manner is merely described by conflicts and contending. but â€Å"in the known temperament thereto† ( Hobbes. p. 171 ) . Indifferent to the cause of war. which can be competitions. self-doubt or glorification: [ T ] here is no topographic point for industry†¦ no Culture of the Earth ; no Navigation†¦ no convenient Building ; no instruments of moving†¦ no Knowledge of the face of the Earth ; no history of Time ; no Arts ; no Letters ; no Society ; and which is worst of all. continual feare. danger of violent decease ; And the life of adult male. lone. poore. awful. brutish. and short ( Hobbes. p. 170-171. quotation mark as written from Sparksnotes. com ) . In Hobbes’ theory about the ‘state of nature’ . there is nil unfair. there are no societal contracts that can non be crossed because there is no higher power to implement any sort of penalty. It is in fact the fright of decease and desire to get more objects as to do life more comfy. which drives people to accomplish and seek peace. Humans’ are in fact bound by the Torahs of nature to prolong their lives. seek peace. contract by the manner of peace and maintain the compacts ( Hobbes. p. 172 ) . It is in their best involvement to remain alive and be provided with comfy lives. As such. people need Torahs. person to make them and person to implement them. The best result for Hobbes would be that all people give up their rights to a crowned head. higher power given to one individual who would maintain his topics alive and supply them with the basic necessities for life. Equally shortly as the autonomous sets in power. nevertheless. the equality equation alterations instantly. Whereas all worlds were to be equal to each other. they became topics to a superior swayer. whose regulation is to stay undisputed and undisturbed. as his chief intent is to set up and keep peace. Therefore. equality for Hobbes does non needfully intend political equality and rights for everyone. It merely represents the physical similarity among worlds to decease and be killed. and the equal right for everyone to take and accomplish a end. In fact. the good life for Hobbes. is within a province of inequality. under the regulation of crowned head. a higher power. which can prolong order and peace among the savage-like worlds. who are bound to mistrust and come in in the province of war. when there is no political authorization nowadays. Worlds are known to be ‘desiring machines’ . looking after their ain opportunism. fulfilling merely their ain enterprises. with a chief intent to keep their lives and prolong a comfy manner of life. Hobbes’ thought of equality is in fact more appealing than Aristotle’s hierarchal construction within the family and city state. Whereas Aristotle defines worlds are of course superior or inferior. Hobbes gives an equal start to everyone sing their physical exposure and ability to find their ain good and get it. In Hobbes’ version of equality. the topics of the crowned head do in fact give up a batch of their rights and free some autonomies. However. in the instance of a good crowned head their lives would be better off under a common regulation that will supply them with peace and the needed basic necessities. It would besides give them the excess room for chances and personal development. The good life for Hobbes is described by a set of people. peacefully connected within a society. ruled by a good crowned head. where all are sustained and provided for. Under an Aristotelean regulation. the topics would hold limited accomplishments that would hold been predestined base on their societal position. As Aristotle points out. natural slaves collapsible shelter to bread more natural slaves and therefore the rhythm of limited chances can non be broken. Merely citizens can take part in the political ream. although. even so some of them do non. Some have a limited ability to develop practical ground in comparing to some other domains that they might be more interested in. In other words. Aristotle’s. equality applies merely to those who experience some kind of political regulation. All others are at that place to supply them with the leisure clip and basic necessities to prolong life. Aristotle’s thought of a good life is available merely to the chosen few citizens who can take part in political relations. Everyone else experience a telos that is non as fulfilling. Aristotle’s thought of natural human telos. natural slave and natural swayer provides an penetration to the period of clip. during which he has lived. It is an thought of societal inequality that provides the good ‘ends’ merely to the few citizens who can accomplish it through their family and their practical logical thinking. The remainder of the members of that society are simply the suppliers and subsidiaries to the political kingdom. Hobbes’ theory on equality. nevertheless. provides all human existences with the same base – ‘We are all equal because we can all kill each other and we all want to find what is good for us. ‘ He gives humans the rubric of ‘desiring machines’ . which satisfy their ain demands and opportunisms. Because such behavior leads to war-like conditions. Hobbes believes that through fright of decease and desire of more ownerships. people would seek peace on their ain. and as a consequence subdue their rights to a crowned head. However. Hobbes’ apprehension of natural equality is preferred. as he provides society with the excess room for equality and chance that the topics of a good crowned head would see to be available to them. in comparing to Aristotle’s hierarchal division of people into natural higher-ups. inferiors and slaves. who are given really limited accomplishments and chances Hobbes. Thomas. Leviathan. Modern Political Thought – Readings from Machiavelli to Nietzsche. Ed. David Wooton. Hackett Publishing Company. Inc. : Indianapolis/Cambridge. 1996. Aristotle. The Politics. C. D. C. Reeve. Hackett Publishing Company. Inc. : Indianapolis/Cambridge.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Abortion Essays (1825 words) - Fertility, RTT, Abortion, Free Essays

Abortion Essays (1825 words) - Fertility, RTT, Abortion, Free Essays Abortion Abortion In Roman times, abortion and the destruction of unwanted children was permissible, but as out civilization has aged, it seems that such acts were no longer acceptable by rational human beings, so that in 1948, Canada along with most other nations in the world signed a declaration of the United Nations promising every human being the right to life. The World Medical Association meeting in Geneve at the same time, stated that the utmost respect for human life was to be from the moment of conception. This declaration was re-affirmed when the World Medical Association met in Oslo in 1970. Should we go backwards in our concern for the life of an individual human being? The unborn human is still a human life and not all the wishful thinking of those advocating repeal of abortion laws, can alter this. Those of us who would seek to protect the human who is still to small to cry aloud for it's own protection, have been accused of having a 19th Century approach to life in the last third of the 20th Century. But who in reality is using arguments of a bygone Century? It is an incontrovertible fact of biological science - Make no Mistake - that from the moment of conception, a new human life has been created. Only those who allow their emotional passion to overide their knowledge, can deny it: only those who are irrational or ignorant of science, doubt that when a human sperm fertilizes a human ovum a new human being is created. A new human being who carries genes in its cells that make that human being uniquely different from any and other human being and yet, undeniably a member, as we all are, of the great human family. All the fetus needs to grow into a babe, a child, an old man, is time, nutrition and a suitable environment. It is determined at that very moment of conception whether the baby will be a boy or a girl; which of his parents he will look like; what blood type he will have. His whole heritage is forever fixed. Look at a human being 8 weeks after conception and you, yes every person here who can tell the difference between a man and a women, will be able to look at the fetus and tell me whether it is a baby boy or a girl. No, a fetus is not just another part of a women's body like an appendix or appendage. These appendages, these perfectly formed tiny feel belong to a 10 week developed baby, not to his or her mother. The fetus is distinct and different and has it's own heart beat. Do you know that the fetus' heart started beating just 18 days after a new life was created, beating before the mother even knew she was pregnant? By 3 months of pregnancy the developing baby is just small enough to be help in the palm of a man's hand but look closely at this 3 month old fetus. All his organs are formed and all his systems working. He swims, he grasps a pointer, he moves freely, he excretes urine. If you inject a sweet solution into the water around him, he will swallaw because he likes the taste. Inject a bitter solution and he will quit swallowing because he does not like the taste. By 16 weeks it is obvious to all, except those who have eyes but deliberately do not see, that this is a young human being. Who chooses life or death for this little one because abortion is the taking of a human life? This fact is undeniable; however much of the members of the Women's Liberation Movement, the new Feminists, Dr. Henry Morgentaler or the Canadian Medical Association President feel about it, does not alter the fact of the matter. An incontrovertible fact that cannot change as feelings change. If abortion is undeniably the taking of human life and yet sincere misguided people feel that it should be just a personal matter between a women and the doctor, there seems to be 2 choices open to them. (1) That they would believe that other acts of destruction of human beings such as infanticide

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Starting a Clinical Trial Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Starting a Clinical Trial - Research Paper Example A clinical trial will now involve such investigations in human beings. The effects of such practice will have been investigated before approval for a clinical trial (Friedman, Furberg & DeMets, 2010). In order to determine if the research question is important enough to pursue further investigation through a clinical trial, the following criteria can be used. Clinical trials, like other research studies, are guided by specific criteria. It is important to: Determining the problem is an exercise similar to the formulation of a research question in the initial processes of the research study. It involves identifying the population affected, why such a population is the target and the issue of interest. In this case, a specific study has already been selected; â€Å"Chlorhexidine decreases the risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care unit patients: a randomized clinical trial†. The problem here is; the patients in intensive care unit faced with a major problem of ventilator-associated Pneumonia. Research has however, established that this ventilator-associated pneumonia can be prevented by use of Chlorhexidine. In this research, the results have been confirmed; Chlorhexidine helps in preventing the occurrence of the disease. The next step should be investigating the correct dosage that will increase the percentage of the number of patients that it protects. It is expected that with such results, Chlorhexidine will help reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia cases. Already the research is a randomized clinical trial. 61 patients were involved in the study to assess the effects of Chlorhexidine on VAP prevention. It specifically assessed whether â€Å"oral care with swabbing four times daily with CHX reduced VAP development† (O ¨zcaka et al., 588). The results are supportive of further clinical trials. In this case, only 61 patients were involved in the study. Further clinical trials involve phases I to III of clinical trials

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

US and Saudi Stock Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

US and Saudi Stock Markets - Essay Example The Saudi stock market is the largest stock market in the Middle East. It is not only the largest stock market in the Middle East, it is also considered to bigger than the combination of the stock markets of all other gulf countries (Hankir and Baltaji, 2015). As a stock market there are great opportunities that are offered by the Saudi Stock market. However, until recently only citizens of Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries were allowed to trade in the stock market of the country. The people of other GCC countries were allowed to trade in the Saudi stock market subject to the restrictions that are imposed by the respective GCC country. Till recently the people from non-GCC countries were allowed to enter only through the closed investment funds. NYSE is considered as the largest and the most powerful stock exchange in the world. The rising power of the stock exchange was in line with the rise of the economic power of the United States. There are two major stock exchanges in the United States. The other stock exchange in the United States is NASDAQ which has the most number of companies listed in the country. However, by means of market capitalization, NYSE is larger than the combination of the NASDAQ, Tokyo and London. The merger of NYSE and Euronext has increased the appeal of the stock exchange on a global scale. It is found that the stock market in the United States is the most important in the world and has the capability to influence all the stock markets across the world.

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Style Of Quentin Tarantino Film Studies Essay

The Style Of Quentin Tarantino Film Studies Essay   Quentin Tarantino has his own distinctive style that mirrors his quirky vision of the universe. From the early Reservoir Dogs   to the stylish Pulp Fiction, Tarantino has challenged both viewers and the movie industry to look at the medium in a new way. His 2009 effort, the ultra-violent war film Inglorious Basterds, is a solid hit and every bit a Tarantino film. This paper discusses the film in general as well as its cinematography and editing. Discussion            Tarantino is a   director known for his love of film in general. He is knowledgeable about the medium and enjoys paying homage to it by sometimes filming scenes in a way that resembles works by other directors; or by putting a great many pop references in his film. This makes his films very hip, but it can also date them. However, because this film is set in a specific time and place-occupied France in 1944-these are quibbles.            Tarantino is also known for telling several stories simultaneously and bringing the threads together at the last moment to make a coherent whole. This is the structure of Pulp Fiction, in which three separate stories are told out of order: characters that are killed in one story show up later in the film, because that part of their story hasnt been told yet. At times its best to just sit back and let Tarantino do his thing and sort it out later.            Inglourious Basterds is just such a film: there are possibly three stories running simultaneously: the story of the Nazi Colonel Hans Landa and his hunt for Jews (Christoph Waltz); the Basterds themselves, led by Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt); and the Jewish girl Shoshanna Dreyfuss (Mà ©lanie Laurent), who works in the cinema that will be the setting for the films explosive (literally) climax. Critics are singling out Waltzs diabolical, cruel, witty, charming and perverse Colonel Landa as the best thing in the film; he won the Oscar as Best Supporting Actor for his work, along with almost every other award its possible for an actor to receive. That raises some unpleasant questions: Waltzs character is the representative of possibly the most despicable regime ever to disgrace humanity, so what does that say about audiences who find him attractive and funny? Landa becomes a sort of guilty pleasure, as well as an object lesson in the fact that evil can sometimes wear a very attractive face: There is nothing more disturbing than finding something commendable in a character you want so badly to condemn (Meadows).            The film is simple: Raines group of commandos has been dropped into occupied France with only one object: to kill Nazis. They do so, often with a baseball bat or other suitably unpleasant means, and scalp them (Tarantino). They also have a penchant for carving swastikas into their victims foreheads and their gruesome tactics have unsettled Nazi officers all the way up to Hitler.            The film has surprised   some audiences by its length and others because for a war film, it is surprisingly non-violent; the violence is extreme and gruesome but sparse and contained within a few set pieces. The rest of the film contains a lot of dialogue, which is a hallmark of Tarantinos work. He is in love with dialogue; he likes to explore human relationships and does so by letting his character literally speaks for themselves. People who complain that theres no enough action in the film seem to be missing the point. Berardinelli notes that the long dialogue scenes are merely priming the pump for the action that follows: With every sentence, the tension mounts. Tarantino uses these sequences to prime the audience, teasing them until the suspense is nearly unbearable, then releasing it in one explosive burst. The films editing includes title cards that identify each scene, an old fashioned technique that some critics like while others denigrate. Its the same technique that silent films pioneered, and it has the effect of making the film feel very literary, almost as if the audience has to read it like a book rather than watching it.            The cinematographer on the film is Robert Richardson, who was director of photography for Tarantino on both Kill Bill films; he has also worked on films like The Aviator and A Few Good Men as well as The Horse Whisperer, Casino and Snow Falling on Cedars   (MacGregor). If these films have anything in common, its that they have nothing in common, but in each case Richardson has brought to life their [the directors] most grandiose aspirations in a way that is unrivaled and incomparable (Ebenezer).            In this film, numerous critics have pointed to the scene which introduces Colonel Landa as a perfect example of Richardsons gifted cinematography; he works magic with the lighting and framing here as he does throughout the film (MacGregor). In this scene, Landa is questioning dairy farmer Perrier LaPadite, who is suspected of harboring Jews; as he continues to question the farmer, the camera circles the table moving closer and closer, as if it is tying up the farmer in invisible cords (MacGregor). When Landa orders his men to shoot through the floor, killing the Jews he knows are hidden there, its almost a relief because the tension is so high its unbearable. This is Richardsons skill; and it is on display throughout the film. The structure of the scene of course is Tarantinos; it is his direction. But Richardson has the skill to shoot it the way Tarantino wants it shot, so that it brings his vision to life. Richardsons use of color is extraordinary; for instance, in the scene where Landa comes to the farmhouse, the day is beautiful, clear and sunny; the sky is blue and birds are singing. And into the midst of this idyllic scene comes a monster. The juxtaposition of Landa with the beauty of his surroundings, especially as he then orders the murder of the hidden Jews, is brilliant. It reminds viewers that things are not what they seem, and that the potential for violence is ever-present. It can be argued that the United States today is one of the most violent societies on earth, but the threat of drive-bys, gang wars and shootings cannot compare to the terror of living under the Nazi occupation, where punishment for the slightest infraction was swift and brutal. When Landa pops up in the middle of the idyll ic scene, the day is ruined. Much of the rest of the cinematography is muted, sometimes suggesting old newsreels with washed out colors. This could indicate the age of Europe, or the draining effect of war; it makes Europe, which is beautiful, cold and harsh, in keeping with the mission the Basterds have undertaken. The New York Times also mentions the cinematography, though it is less complimentary than most to the movie overall. Dargis writes that whether or not a viewer likes the film has a lot to do with whether he or she can just groove on Tarantinos cinematic style, which includes his exuberant framing  and staging, his swooping crane shots, postmodern flourishes (Samuel L. Jackson in voice-over explaining the combustibility of nitrate prints) and gorgeously saturated colors, one velvety red in particular (Dargis). With regard to the films much-discussed opening scene in the farmhouse, Dargis calls it a marvel of choreographed camera movement and tightly coordinated performances. When the scene moves ins ide the building, Tarantino provides another homage: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the German soldiers outside are positioned within one of the windows, a shot that recalls the framing of an image in Monte Hellmans 1971 cult classic, Two-Lane Blacktop' (Dargis). Tarantino also gives a nod to a great Hollywood character actor of the 1950s, Aldo Ray, by naming his main character Also Raine; Also Rays widow served as a casting director on this film (Dargis). (For a delightful look at Aldo Ray, look at Were No Angels the original starring Ray, Humphrey Bogart and Peter Ustinov as three Devils Island escapees who are neither as tough nor as evil as they pretend to be.) As for the rest of the film, however, Dargis is less enthusiastic. She notes that the film is actually five set pieces, each organized around specific bits of business and conversations that increasingly converge (Dargis). The first chapter introduced Colonel Landa; the second brings in the Basterds while the third brings Shoshanna together with Joseph Gobbels (Dargis). The fourth chapter deals with the plot to kill Hitler and the final chapter is the destruction of the fire and the death of many of the characters (Dargis). While all this works, Dargis has trouble with Tarantinos use of slow dialogue scenes and she is particularly disquieted by Colonel Landa, whom she describes as charming and seductive (Dargis). A man who is the tool of a regime as repellant as National Socialism should have none of these qualities. And yet Landa has no equal in the film; he owns it, and that makes for some uneasy viewing (Dargis). Conclusion            Inglourious Basterds would be uncharacteristic for any other director but for Tarantino its merely the latest in a string of films that glorify brutality and make heroes out of the most unlikely people: hit men and Nazi colonels. Its also full of Tarantino trademarks: long dialogue scenes that lead up to shot, explosive action sequences; homage to other films; and a never-ending river of blood. He has also, as usual, played with film itself, using title cards that hark back to the days of silent films, and (mercifully!) having his German characters speak German, his Italians speak Italian, his Frenchmen speak French and so on. This means he has also subtitled some of the scenes, but again, this is a director who truly seems to love playing with the medium and all its capabilities. Whether a viewer will enjoy the film or not particular when it contains scenes of soldiers being beaten to death with a baseball bat and other horrific violence probably depends on whet her or not he or she is a Tarantino fan. If so, theyll know what to expect; if not, it can be a bit much. But all in all, the film has proven to be a solid success and another hit for a quirky filmmaker who breaks all the rules.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Political and Economic Changes After the War of 1812 Essay

Andrew Jackson looked on toward a new democracy after his victory at New Orleans. The changes in this time period, after the war of 1812, would send America into a troubled future. The Post war political and economic changes would prove to be another stepping stone in America’s evolving democracy. The political changes after the War of 1812 would redefine America’s newly founded Democracy and contribute to a greater national government. Andrew Jackson gained America’s respect after his victory at New Orleans and was later elected President in 1829. Jackson and his cabinet invested power into an powerful Executive Branch. The Jackson democrats tended to exaggerate the puissance of the lower class poor while decreasing the influence of the rich and potent and aristocracy. Andrew Jackson abolished restrictions on voting and increased active participation in the government by the lower and middle classes. Jackson also made the government more directly responsible to the people without the use of federally funded improvements. After the war of 1812, the federal government not only grew domestically but also internationally. The Monroe Doctrine shifted America’s foreign policy. The Monroe Doctrine stated that European nations may not interfere or influence nations or colonies in the Western Hemisphere. Although at the time America lacked the military capacity to enforce this Doctrine, this policy was a major shift away from George Washington’s policy of neutrality. The U.S. continued its policy of non involvement in European wars, but Europe now was expected to stay away from the Western Hemisphere. The U.S. continued to enforce this Doctrine to this day, with perhaps the most famous example being President Kennedy’s Cuban Blockade. After the War of 1812, America’s nationalism and unification began to fade in the face of sectionalism. The North and the South soon began to dispute over controversial issues. The South depended on an agricultural, slave based economy. The North saw slavery as immoral. This issue split the South and North creating tension and strong sectionalism. Protective tariffs also divided the country. The North, whose industry was based on manufacturing and trade, produced products more expensive than Europe’s. In order to compete with Europe, the North wished to institute protective tariffs as an incentive to buy Northern products. They desired to purchase cheaper European products. Also, the South feared Europe would tax Southern agricultural products sold to  European factories. The South saw the tariff as a way for the North to profit while the South to bore the burden. Economic changes also occurred after the War of 1812. Eli Whitney introduced the cotton gin, which enabled mass production of cotton, and led to an increased dependence by the South on a slave based Cotton society. The South’s economic system became so dependant on slavery, that by the 1850’s one out of every three persons in the South was a slave. The North also went through an economic change. When the British blockaded the US during the War of 1812, wealthy Northern men invested in new technology. The North soon entered the industrial age after the introduction of interchangeable parts by Eli Whitney. The North began manufacturing products such as cloth and textile. In order produce their goods workers were needed. Young girls soon filled these openings delighted to be able to support themselves and to be around other people their age. In addition, the influence of banks sparked economic growth. A second national bank was introduced at this time providing even more cash for entrepreneurs and speculators. In conclusion, the years after the War of 1812 saw a redefinition of America’s democracy. Jacksonian Democracy expanded the powers of the Executive Branch, decreased the power of aristocracy, and increased popular participation in the government. The economic changes led to sectional crisis between the North and South which would prove to be a role and reoccurring theme throughout the 1800’s. The Industrial Revolution would enable America to survive and thrive without Europe, while the Monroe Doctrine would lead us to eventually defy and overwhelm European influence in the Western Hemisphere. The years after the War of 1812 would see a stronger, and yet, paradoxically more divided nation.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Environmental Hazards

Environmental Hazards Environmental hazards consist of cultural, biological, physical, and chemical hazards (Wright, Boorse, 2014). With a wide array of other hazards in each category there is plenty to choose from and makes one wonder why we continue to survive among so many potential hazards. I will be focusing on one type of hazard from each category to show what threats there are and a way to combat the threat. One example of a cultural hazard is smoking which accounts for over 400,000 deaths each year (Wright, Boorse, 2014).Since smoking is a choice you have control over using It or not. As we progress in life and realize that some choices Ilke smoking, affect more than just the smoker. Laws have come into play to limit the access to cigarettes for minors as well as where you are able to smoke. The website no- smoke. org offers detailed information on laws, bands, and regulations in place to help lower and hopefully eliminate smoking hazards in the future. While smoking is alway s a choice some hazard such as biological cannot always be avoided.As technology progresses we are better equipped to deal with bacteria and viruses. In spite of these advances In medicine and technology, â€Å"pathogenic bacteria, ungi, viruses, protozoan, and worms continue to plague every society† (Wright, Boorse, 2014). One such problem responsible for over 3 million deaths in 2008 alone Is acute respiratory infections. † (Wright. Boorse, 2014) according to Christine DIMarla and Matthew Solan â€Å"the immune system of children and older adults are more at risk of getting an acute respiratory Infection† (DIMarla & Solan, 2012).They continue to say that most infections are not treatable, but prevention in the form of hand washing, covering your sneezes in your arm or tissue, and avoiding touching your face can be beneficial (DiMarla & Solan, 2012). Some environmental hazards cant be controlled or prevented and the best example of that comes In the form of phys ical hazards. Such hazards come In the form of ‘natural disasters' including: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, forest fires, earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions (Wright, Boorse 2014).

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Lebanon And Israel War - 2160 Words

Title: The Lebanon and Israel war, 1982 Marry Kaldor marked a difference between old and new wars in her book. She uses logical reasoning to tell her readers that new wars are quite different from the old ones. She has given an idea about the new war trends as to how the wars now occur and how the countries fight them. She is of the view that these wars are totally different from each other in all respects. Let us here look into the differences that she has marked for us to make us know that the differences are sharp and true. Why wars happen? Marry Kaldor has established in her book that both the old and new wars differ in their ends. The old wars were either fought for the land or for ideology but the new wars are actually fought for the identity. They are fought for the religious, tribal or ethnic identity. Actors of The Wars: Actors are the individuals, parties or the states that take active part in some war. They are the players that cause the war. The new wars are totally different from the old ones because of their actors. Now the wars are not fought just by the state s armed forces rather the non state actors, private security contractors or Jihadi are also involved in the present day wars. Level Of Destruction: In the past, for the lack of advancement and technology the wars were fought on the smaller scales. The damage that was incurred by the States used to be small as there was no involvement of massive and destructive weapons. Wars usually used to beShow MoreRelatedThe past 60 years in the Middle East have been compiled of political, territorial and religious1100 Words   |  5 Pagesnumerous wars and conflicts found throughout the history of this region, problems within the last half-century followed the 1967 War. The consequences that followed not only succeeded into further conflicts, but also established an underlying future for the region. 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